
Monday, November 30, 2009

Miscellaneous Links

Desktop To Do List - Every teacher knows one, if not more than one.  The teacher who has their monitor covered in Post-it notes with reminders and task they need to get done.  Yeah, Outlook comes with one and so does Google.  But I wanted one on my desktop.  So I found one.  Visit to download a desktop to do list software.  I like it, but I wish it would minimize it to the toolbar instead of the taskbar.  It is handy and colorful, so it makes it very easy to view.  You can link it to your Google Calendar as well as set due dates.

Web 2.0 resources - Came across this on Steve Anderson's Blog, Blogging About The Web2.0 Connected ClassroomLivebinders is another version of social Bookmarking.  I like it the best because of the organization and viewing features.  It provides a page view of the website instead of just text, so it helps you easily remember what the page is for.  In Steve Anderson's Blog, he shared Livebinders 4 teachers.  They are broken down by General, Subjects, and Grade.  At first glance, I thought how useful.  Then I realized, that my own Livebinders were being shared.  Under Web 2.0 tools, here is my LiveBinder that is being shared by the author, Barbara Tallent.  So thanks to her for sharing my information.  You could easily use LiveBinders in your classroom by creating a set for students to use for research purposes.  Of course there are other Social Bookmarking sites like Delicious, Diigo, and Stumbleupon.  There are others.  But these are the ones I see used the most.

Shmoop - Study Guides and Teacher Resources - Really more for the English and Social Studies Teachers out there, but it seems this is one USEFUL website.  I have not had a chance to glance through it all, but when you have the time, I suggest you do so.  Lots of useful primary documents for a multitude of subject matter in the English and Social Studies Subject Matter.

Couple Nings - You will see this on the side of my Blog, but I wanted to post them here as well.  I have joined both of these Social Networks created on Ning, and they provide a lot of useful information as well as share some of the same problems, praise, and stories that as teachers we come across daily.  Classroom 2.0 and The Educators PLN.  If you join, look me up and add me as a colleague.

I will be posting some links for website creation that your students can use in the classroom.  We are looking at creating webpages at my school for Math Tutorials, Book Reviews, Biographies, etc.