
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Weekend Extra #2 - Twitter Tweets and Resources - Top 15

 Every week I think....why did I not join Twitter years ago?!?!?  All the people who I have met on there provide fantastic links, blogs, ideas, resources, and opinions.  The opportunity to socialize with people who share the same beliefs and ideas as me has and continues to prove to be an invaluable resource for both my job, and my future.  What is great, is that I get a lot of meaningful stuff to read, but at the same time I get a lot of cool and funny stuff.  Using Twitter has become more of a stress relief and an experience than just another Social Network to post my thoughts about.  It's like all the other social network sites have lost some of their value because I get so much from following people on Twitter.  So, here are the resources from this week from Twitter....

1.) Getting up and ready for work might not be as mundane with the invention of Interactive Mirrors.  Just imagine waking up, going to look and the mirror and checking your email, or getting the latest sports scores and news stories....I think I am getting an "glance" of the future...haha.  Make sure you watch the videos

2.) Kevin Honeycutt - What a great resource and great website.  I actually found this site before starting this job but last track of it till recently when it was shared on Twitter.  Take a minute and visit this site.  Especially the videos and resources.

3.) Great website with information about integrating Web 2.0 into your classroom.  Highly recommend for new users of Web 2.0 content.

4.) Great resources from Free Technology 4 Teachers - How to Steer Clear of Cyber Tricks.  A must read for those unsure of Internet or that are always falling for the scams...specifically the older offense...really.

5.) Twitter List - When I first joined Twitter I was quite uncertain how to use this feature, but I came across (via Twitter) a great resource that explained how the List feature worked.  It is a great way to Make Your Tweets Manageable.

6.) A blog featured just yesterday in my Friday Focus was The Edurati Review.  The first sentence of this post really catches the attention of the reader, especially educators.  What would school look like without Due Dates?

7.) The Museum of Modern Betas - A great way to see what is new out there that you can try and offer opinions on.  Great for educators because if you can think about how to use it in the classroom then you can suggest education ideas to the creators.  Definitely worth looking at.

8.) An article about Teachers Becoming More Digitally Inclined.

9.) An interesting website that is part of The National Commission on Teaching and America's Future.  It is more or less a textbook online about Building a 21st Century U.S. Education System.

10.) Great list of Web 2.0 of Educational Tools  by #Vanmeter a school in Iowa that is leading the way in integrating Web 2.0 tools.

11.) What Makes a Great Teacher?  Interesting article and read about teaching and the difference in teachers and students.

12.) Great article about the #edchat hashtag on Twitter.  A great read to get the history of how the whole Edchat idea started.

13.) GREAT first person account in an article from a teacher in a meeting discussing teaching.  Really speaks to how many teachers feel in public education.

14.) Topsy - A Great way to search for Tweets.  You can also find out how influential you are!  Also get an idea on the number of Tweets and Retweets messages get.

15.) Link Sharing is one way we can get teachers to use more technology, by showing them what is out there.  LinkBunch is a site that helps us to do that by bunching our links together into one link....creative idea!