
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Top 5 Post - January

January was a popular month for my blog.  I received a lot of feedback, comments, new followers, and reader subscriptions.  With that comes my initial monthly review.  Based on comments, bookmarks, and Tweets, these are the top five courtesy of PostRank.

1.) Do You Tweet?  As an Educator...You Should - My initial post of 2010 , and it received quite a response.  Really, as an educator, you should be on Twitter.
2.) Friday Focus #4 - Blogs You Should Focus Your Attention On. - A list of Blogs that I follow as well as subscribe too.  All that I got via Twitter.
3.) Twitter Tuesday #3 - A Reflection of Sorts - Ways to use Twitter for your classroom and how Twitter has impacted me as an educator.
4.) The Power of T.W.I.T.T.E.R. - Making Twitter an acronym, and how quickly a Tweet can be spread throughout the Twitter Universe.
5.) Think Twice Thursday #4 - Cartoons and Comic Creation - Creating Cartoons and Comics with ideas for across the curriculum.

Honorable Mention
- My Life in Cell Phones - A look at how Cell Phones have changed and how they have impacted my life.  They will only get better, and they will only become more and more apart of the classroom IMO.
- State of the Union Address Wordle - I took the 2009 and the 2010 State of the Union Addresses and created a Wordle for the for the purpose of compare and contrast.  A rather interesting way to see the important parts of the speeches.  I was disappointed that "education," "students," and "children" were not larger.

Which of these was your favorite?