
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Must See Monday #11 - Avatara

Yes, I know it is Tuesday, and I know I normally do Twitter stuff, but I just found this site and was completely busy yesterday; first day really back at my home school in two weeks, so plenty of work to catch up on.  A lot of people on Twitter that I follow talk about creating an avatar, or a computer image of yourself.  Sites like Voki give you the ability to create a talking head that you can create an image of yourself.  No offense, we have plenty of talking heads out there!

Avatara is a little different.  It is a full body, 3D avatar of yourself.  You can easily link the 3D image to Facebook, MySpace, Blogger, and Wordpress among others on the list.  Joining is as easy as an email address, password, and security code.  You get the option to choose from a blank avatar, pre-made, or upload a photo of yourself, but photo specifications are very specific.  Image must be 104800 Bytes in size, which I did not have handy, so I just used the blank options.

It is rather funny sorting through the different faces and features.  You can easily organize by male, female, and ....creature, which is not for me.  You can choose facial features, body features, and even an animation.  I felt like I was making an avatar for Tiger Woods Golf when I used to play it.  The one I created does not look exactly like me, but I think if I uploaded a proper picture it would be rather neat.  Avatara has one of Barack Obama that is very close to the real thing.

Visit Avatara and make a 3D rendering of yourself.  What about your students?  Could you see them using this?  Be a great way to create a virtual yearbook of students at a school.  Maybe in the future this is what yearbooks will be.  That is if they are not obsolete because of Facebook.

Here is mine...kind of funny!

Click here to view my Avatar!