
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wiki Wednesday - Three Great Wiki's - Art, Music, Photo

Education is changing, and part of that change is the unfortunate reduction in classes for students related to Art and Music.  It's amazing how two things that have become a sacred part of our lives people see little value in teaching.  These are future creative minds and we are letting them down by not providing these classes.  To help, here are some great Wiki's that can help increase interest by students in your classes and maybe show and improve the value of the curriculum in your schools.

All three of the Wiki's that I will be sharing today come resources thave have been used in ICT classes in Vancouver.  I tried to find out more information on the source, but had little luck.  Anyway, you will notice that the left hand side has a TON of Wiki's that you can view.  I find it hard to believe you won't find one you can use.

I wanted to share three though.  The Art and Drawing Resources Wiki has a ton of links to drawing tools and architecture links as well.  Share with your art teachers.  Encourage them to branch out and allow students to use a computer to create Art.  There are so many options out there for students to choose from, and this is a great list.

The next one is the Sound and Music Resources - Some great sites.  Encourage students to use the computer to create music.  More and more technology is allowing free ways for students to produce their own beats, tracks, sounds, music, etc.  Encourage it.  Let free EXPRESSION exist!

Finally, the Photographs and Clipart Wiki has tons of sites that students, as well as teachers can use to find photos.  This would be a great starting point when looking for photos to use in a presentation, blog, website, etc.

Remember, these are just part of a larger Wiki.  Find something that you see useful and share with colleagues in your building.  I am really impressed with the collection of resources.