
Thursday, November 18, 2010

From a Blog to a Book

My blog is officially a year old.  I wanted a way to save all these post if for some reason something happens to it.  So I used the site BlogBooker to create a book (PDF) of my blog for the entire year.  Turns out that my blog takes up 307 pages all together with a title page and table of contents.  It has been a monumental year and am happy with the direction that this blog has taken.  Thanks for being loyal readers throughout the past year.

To get a pdf copy of The Pursuit of Technology Integration Happiness, click here.

LinkBunch is a site that allows users to paste several links in a box and it will bunch all those links into one link.  Great for using on Twitter and other social media sites.  You can also send the links via SMS.  Another feature is your bunch of links can be copies to the clipboard so that you can access your list outside of the single URL provided.  You can learn more about by visiting their help page.  There is also a Firefox Extension that allows easy "bunching," that you can learn about through its blog. could be an effective way to share various links with students for completing research.  You could also share various links with teachers in the building over subject matter that will be taught in the curriculum.

I recently posted two other options for putting URL's together - Bundles and BridgeURL

Happy "Bunching"