
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Express SMART Notebook Software

Out of beta, SMART has released a web based version of their Notebook software, with limitations of course.  You can open an existing file or start a new project.  Either way, this might be an option for teachers with a SMARTBoard or SMART Airliner.  If you are worried about losing an Internet Connection, you can download the Express SMART Notebook software as well. 

With the increasing use of SMART tools and web-based software, it is only logical for this Express version of SMART Notebook software to become available.  Kudos to them.  Below you will see a screen shot and for those of you that use the desktop version will see the similarities.  You lose the tool-kits and add-ons, but this is Express SMART Notebook software is a great resource.

Doodle 4 Google

Last year I shared this opportunity with the Art teacher at one of my schools.  Several students took up the challenge to create a Doodle 4 Google with the opportunity to have their drawing appear on the homepage.  What a great idea to get some creativity from students.  The students at my school came up short in their goal of winning, but they had some great drawings.

Now your students can participate as well.  Visit the Doodle 4 Google homepage to learn more and share the contest with your art teachers.  The theme this year is "What I'd Like to do Some Day...."  Registration closes March 2nd, and entries must be postmarked by March 15th.  The winner will appear on the Google homepage on May 20th.

The winner will receive a $15,000 scholarship, and their school will win a $25,000 technology grant.  There are some new rules and options this year however:

  • Parents Can Register Their Kids: This year, based on your feedback, we are expanding the contest. Now, in addition to schools, parents and legal guardians can directly register their K-12 students in the contest and submit their doodles. Check with your child’s school or After School Programs first to see if they are participating, since we only allow one entry per student. As always, public, private and home schools can register on behalf of their students.
  • After School Programs: We are working with two After School Programs: Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Girl Scouts of the USA to register students.
  • No Cap On Doodles Per School: There is no cap on how many doodles each school, After School Program, or family can send in. Just remember, only one doodle per child.
  • A Variety Of Guest Judges: This year, a group of guest judges, including Whoopi Goldberg, Actress/Comedian/TV Talk Show Host, Jim Davis, Creator of "Garfield", and Evan Lysacek, Gold Medalist for Ice Skating, and several other well known cartoonists, animators and illustrators will help judge the contest and attend the final awards ceremony to personally congratulate our winners.  
See the video below for the highlights from 2010.

Good luck to your students and their creativity!