
Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekly Core Subjects Resources

1.) TES English provides and publishes printable and editable teaching resources, worksheets, lesson plans and schemes of work for teachers of English at secondary level.

2.) Paper Rater or Paper Grader is a website for students and/or teachers where they can copy and paste their paper to the site.   The software will then provide detailed reports of word choice, grammar, spelling errors, and more.  No sign up is necessary and it will be "graded" in real time.

1.) Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 provides a graphing calculator that plots in 2D and 3D, step-by-step equation solving, and useful tools to help students with math and science studies. This is a down-loadable software for students.

2.) Math247 is a site that provides links and resources to various math screencast and math videos.  Searching through this site will provide some great resources for students and teachers.  You can view the menu on the left hand side to find the various videos.  There are videos for all ages and grades and several are submitted by students.  Definitely "Worth the Surf"

3.) Touch Trigonometry is a simple Flash product that hopes to help math learners of all ages get an intuitive understanding of trigonometry. It aims to do that by letting you just play with the trig functions, with no buttons to get in the way.

1.) Homespun Science Tunes takes famous music and lyrics and uses them to create tunes with science terminology.  There are about 20 lyrics and music sheets that students and teachers can search through and use in the classroom.  What a great idea!

2.) The Virtual Lab from the ChemCollective provides interactive science experiments that will go through the steps of various science experiments. 

3.) Practical Biology provides teachers of biology at all levels with experiments that demonstrate a wide range of biological concepts and processes. Each practical may be used alone or as a starting-point for open-ended investigations or enhancement activities, such as clubs or open-day events.

4.) Practical Physics is a website for teachers enabling them to share their skills and experience of making experiments work in the classroom.

5.) Practical Chemistry is a website that provides all teachers of chemistry with a wide range of experiments to illustrate concepts or processes, as starting-points for investigations and for enhancement activities.

6.) Physics Demonstration Films from the National STEM Centre provides 8 videos explaining various physics concepts.

7.) Open Science Resources is an educational community that provides various resources for teachers.  You will have to sign up for an account before being allowed access, but once you have an account you will be able to visit the repository which includes numerous educational materials (images of exhibits and scientific instruments, animations, videos, lesson plans, student projects and educational pathways with guidelines for interactive museum visit experiences).

Social Studies
1.) An interesting video on the reading of the Gettysburg Address.  Worth sharing with students, because the reader does it with some passion. 

2.) From the New York Times is an interesting "Times Machine" where you can have access to New York Times newspapers from Volume 1, Number 1 of The New-York Daily Times, on September 18, 1851, through The New York Times of December 30, 1922.  Choose a date in history and flip electronically through the pages, displayed with their original look and feel.

Find something useful?  If not, check out my previous Weekly Core Subjects Resources Posts

You might also be interested in my publications to learn about various Web 2.0 Tools to use in the classroom.

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