
Monday, March 14, 2011

Study Stack and CoboCards

Online Flashcards are becoming a popular method of studying and there is no shortage of options available on the web.  I recently came across two more options for creating, finding, and studying flash cards online.

CoboCards allows uses to create Flashcards online, search through a database of flashcards, and study flashcards using the Leitner Algorithm.  To use the site all you need to do is provide a valid email address.  Cobocards is also available as a Smartphone application.  From the website you are able to study alone or with a group of friends.  You can organize your flashcards by folders and then print them off for studying offline.  You can search through a pool of cards created all ready. 

"StudyStack takes online flashcards to a whole new level. The site automatically creates many other activities based on the data from your flashcards. These activities have two main benefits. The first is that studying won't be so boring. So without even realizing it you'll naturally study more. The second benefit is that by reviewing the data in several different formats, you'll end up memorizing the information better as your brain makes several different connections with the data."

What sets Study Stack apart are the games and activities that are available for studying vocabulary.  There are matching, crossword puzzles, hangman, scrambled word, and bug chase games.  On the front page you will see all the categories of pre-made flashcards.  If Study Stack does not provide you what you are looking for, scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see links to several other flashcard sites.