
Sunday, May 1, 2011

All Things Art Related

This post is being provided by Eric Crabtree, a guest author.  I teach art at Hopkins County Central High School and have been given the opportunity to share with you my views on how technology and art can work together.

The web is full of art related resources.  Listed below is a small sampling of the websites, blogs,  and twitter feeds I use on a daily basis to help aid in my students' artistic experience.

Artist of the Day
Everyday a new artist is provided a small spotlight on their work.  This is a great way to find artists from all over the world.  Check it out on the web at:  and follow them on twitter at:!/artistaday. 

Jen Bekman has taken her passion for supporting emerging artists and made their art available for everyone on the web.  Here you can find limited edition prints for low prices.  Each week at least two new editions are added in three to four sizes.  In the beginning the smallest size was reprinted in an edition of 200 and sold for $20. Hence the name 20x200.  Sometimes the original artwork is also available.  Check them out on the web at:, twitter at:!/20x200, and follow their blog at:!/20x200.

The Behance Network acts similarly to a social network site, but caters to creative professionals.  Members create a portfolio to showcase their work where creative companies, recruiters, editors, and more can find incredible work and talent to hire.  I am not a Behance member, but I am considering it.  Check out what Behance Network has to offer at: or follow on twitter at:!/Behance.

Design Observer
Here one can find many sources for art and design.  Design Observer has many established ways to stay connected.  You may subscribe via email or blog, follow on twitter and facebook, or use their free iphone app.

Every Person in New York
Jason Polan is attempting to draw every person in New York.  If you follow his blog at: you can monitor his progress.  His contour drawings are great! It might also be worth mentioning that West Elm sells some of his art as well. 

Rachel is a Dreamer 
Rachel DeJohn quotes John Lennon in her bio: "Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one."  As an outsider who has never met Rachel, I would say she is doing a great job living an art dream.  You can find her at

Chicken Nugget Lemon Tooty
At a father post his four childrens' artwork.  A student sent me a link of a family project that peaked my interest in following this artistic journey.  Here is a link to that post:

Many of these resources also have facebook pages, but I do not use them because of restricted access at school.

I hope to be back soon with more art resources.
