
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Putting EdTech Into Practice - Drag On Tape

I previously wrote about Drag On Tape when working as a Technology Integration Specialist  and thought it was a great idea.  Drag On Tape provides a way for users to create a mix tape of videos fromYouTube.  I imagined immediately how teachers across the various subject matters could use this service and shared it with the teachers in my building.  I also have an iPad at my disposal and you can get Drag On Tape as an App as well.

Now that I am in the classroom, I had my opportunity to share it with my student teacher and then use the service for creating a mix tape of various videos to showcase Propaganda.  I can think back to before Drag On Tape was available how difficult it would have been to have each video up in its own window and hope that my computer is fast enough to handle all the various YouTube links and hoping that they would load in a timely fashion.

By using Drag On Tape, I was able to add the videos in about 5-10 minutes and get a link that I could easily share with my students.  It also removes all the comments and other aspects of videos on YouTube that could be considered a distraction. I can easily take the entire mix tape full screen and see how long the entire video is.  I can pause the videos between each separate video as well.

You can see a sample of my Propaganda Mix Tape below