
Saturday, November 17, 2012

2012 Edublog Awards - My Nominations

It's that time of year again where nominations for the Edublog Awards are happening across the blogosphere.  I have missed out on opportunities in the past because of finding consistent time to post on my blog.  If you are new to reading educational blogs and learning about educational technology, then examining the previous winners is a valuable resource for you.  The winners go back to 2007.  Being out of the loop has left me missing some new bloggers out there.  So my nominations will focus on some of the ones I have liked over the past three years....from the time I started this blog.

Here are my Nominations for the 2012 Edublog Awards:

Best Administrator Blog - A Principal's Reflections - A wonderful blog sharing the experiences of Eric Sheninger

Best Resource Sharing Blog - Free Technology for Teachers - A staple in educational technology resource sharing.

Best Individual Blog - Larry Ferlazzo Websites of the Day - Another long standing resource related to both educational technology and other education related issues.

Best Open PD/Unconference - TeachMeet Kentucky - Being from Kentucky and both attending and presenting at this conference, I am a little biased.

Best Mobile App - Remind 101 - An app I used when I returned to the classroom that allows users to set up text message reminders for students and parents.

Best Educational Wiki - ICT Magic - Routinely updating resources related to educational technology.

Best Librarian Blog - A Media Specialists Guide to the Internet - A valuable resource for educators looking for resources.

Best Teacher Blog - The Nerdy Teacher - A valuable blog when looking for how a teacher integrate technology and think student first in education. 

Best Individual Tweeter - Jerry Blumengarten - Cybraryman1 - Has a great resource website too.

Lifetime Achievement Award - Kelly Tenkely - Writer of the iLearn Technology Blog and a constant thinker about education and how to make change in education.  Kelly has always been moving forward with thinking about how to improve learning for students.  Is currently working on the Learning Genome Project.