
Monday, January 14, 2013

Wallwisher Gets Another Makeover

So just the other day I wrote a post about the upgrade and new look of Wallwisher.  Apparently I should have waited a few days because today, Wallwisher announced some awesome new features.  The first new features is a new formatting toolbar.  Users will now have the ability to make paragraphs, bold, italics, bullet, quote, etc.  See the new toolbar below.

However, that is not the most important improvement.  Wallwisher now offers LaTeX, which is a mathematical function for creating math text formatting.  This could be extremely useful for math teachers wanting to integrate Wallwisher into their classroom.  See sample below.

Other features include posts not restricting their size to a certain width, so typing can happen till you decide to go to the next line and then you can resize your text area.  The quotes also indent and italicize for users as well.  HTML can also be pasted and got some upgrades as well.

Worth checking out if you have not already.