
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Two Educational Videos Sites

WatchKnowLearn is a video site that offers educational videos that users can organize by ages 3-18, while also searching for videos by content area.  Visitors have the option to create an account to store, organize, and rate the best K-12 educational videos on the Internet.  In order to help the site grow, it is up to educators to help suggest videos to include in the directory.  There are currently approximately 50,000 educational videos available that have been divided into over 5,000 categories.  Videos are also aligned to Common Core standards as well.

Users can also set up classrooms which is a personalized subdomain on WatchKnowLearn.  Through these classrooms users can collect the videos, create personalized categories, drag and drop videos into the classrooms, create student account that allows users to assign and track the students' viewing of the videos, and create a custom layout.

NeoK12 provides users access to thousands of educational videos that are separated by content area.  There is also a "Today's Interesting Video" that can provide teachers with an educational video that could be utilized as a writing prompt.  The sites main focus is on science videos, but there are tons of videos for other content areas as well.  Also available on NeoK12 are Educational Games and Puzzles, Quizzes by topic, Interactive Diagrams, and 1000's of pictures by topic as well.  Users can create a dashboard and a playlist as well.  This is just not a video site, it is also a great site for teachers looking for whiteboard resources as well.