
Monday, March 11, 2013

DropTask - Visual Task Management

DropTask is like many other to do list applications available, but different in one major way.  Gone are the list and typical calendar views.  With DropTask, items are organized into circular areas that can have items of need placed and moved between areas.  More important tasks can be identified easily and multiple tasks can be added and removed.  Users can also look at their to do lists in a weekly view as well.   Users can use DropTask individually or collaborate with others in a group.  To get a better understanding of the DropTask, which is free to sign up, view the video below.

Mobile and Tablet apps will be coming available in the future, but in the mean time the service is mobile browser supported.  

SimCity EDU

Growing up I played every version of SimCity.  As versions got more complicated and more time consuming, my time dedicated to the game quickly diminished.  I always thought that this game had a place in education but the technology in schools was just not there.  Geography, Economics, Mathematics, Business, Marketing, Science, and on and on, are all relevant in this game and provide wonderful teaching opportunities.

With the newest SimCity release, users can now adapt the game into the classroom.  SimCity has created an education page dedicated to providing and sharing lesson plans using the game.  Users can create an account and upload their own lesson plans.  The use of SimCity would be a great way to reward kids or provide relevant work related to the game.  Students could easily relate the game to real world situations and answer "What if" questions.

To learn more about the most recent version and previous versions, visit the SimCity homepage.

Paperkit - Create a Graph Paper Template

Paperkit is a website that math teachers would be interested in as it allows users to create free printable graph paper.  Users can select format, units, spacing, margin, stroke width, and stroke color.  Once the selections have been made users can download a free PDF version of their graph paper.  Paperkit also allows users to create lined paper, which could be helpful for elementary teachers, and dotted paper as well. See a sample of the menu below and then share this link with the appropriate teachers.