Quizlet was created by a 15 year old boy in 2005 who wanted a more entertaining way to learn his vocabulary. The name Quizlet comes from Quizlette, the name of the "little" quizzes his French teacher gave his class. Quizlet works by creating list of words and definitions. The neat thing is that if you don't have a definition, you can choose from a list of definitions submitted by other users. From those list there are different ways to learn them. Students can export them into Flashcards, or complete various games and activities. Students can even take a test that includes matching, multiple choice, true or false, and fill in the blank. Teachers can create an account for free and then students can log on and use the terms you created to study. Students can log on and create the words themselves to study as well. Students do not have to join the site to study the flash cards already uploaded to the site.
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I have heard of Quizlet but had no idea that it was created by 15yr olds looking for a better way to study! That is very cool. May have to share this one with a fifth grader who is wishing that there was a Spelling City type app for studying spelling words on his iPod. Maybe he will be the designer :)