Thursday, September 9, 2010


I always like to start the school year/week/day/hour with some kind of Brain Teaser to get my kids attention in class.  Sometimes it can be tough to find new ones or ones that the kids have never heard.  I always like when a kid has one that they have heard as well and tries to challenge me.  I usually end up solving it, and that usually makes them mad.  But it is times like those that help build relationships with your students.

Braingle is a site that has several brain teasers, trivia, mentalrobics, and games.  There is a daily one that you can view as well as an archive.  Each category above is then broken into several subcategories to help you find what you might be looking for.  You can also sign up for an account and upload your own brain teaser as well as mark off the ones that you solve.  This would be helpful if you use them in the classroom so you can avoid using the same one twice

Brain teasers were such a hit in my psychology class.  Braingle would have been a great resource if I was still teaching it.  How can you use this site in your classroom?

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