Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Collaborize Classroom

Collaborize Classroom is currently a free software for teachers to create a social network with your students.  You have until October 31st to create your own community (social network) to collaborate with your students in a safe environment.  You can see a video on the main page of a teacher sharing her experience using the software with her students.  Sign up is simple, all the usual information.  Once you decide to join there is a simple wizard that you can go through to setup your network with your students.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Thanks for the post about Collaborize Classroom. I love that you use the word simple, because that is exactly what we want the process to be! An easy to use online platform that is easy to set up and use for both teachers and students!

    Thanks again. +Shana. Digital Media + PR at Democrasoft.
